Terms and Conditions
The student agrees:
- The information given on the school application form is true, complete and accurate and no relevant information has been omitted.
- To have full responsibility to stay informed of & up-to-date with any changes in government and immigration policies and regulations regarding holidays, visas, labour laws, and all other student-related matters. It is not the duty of the school to inform students of changes unless it impacts on their day-to-day learning.
- To comply with all regulations, term and conditions of English Talks School & accommodation and related services, with all T&Cs stated in the English Talks Website, the application form and here.
- By agreeing online (digitally) or signing this document by hand, you declare that you have read, understood and accepted all the Terms and Conditions to study at English Talks as well as accommodation T&Cs.
Correspondence and administration between English Talks and Students:
- The method of communication with the school is by email info@englishtalks.ie or in person in the office. Alternatively, communication can be accepted by calls, text messages; however, all arrangements regarding courses or accommodation must be confirmed by email.
- General English classes start every Monday.
Registration, Information & Services
- General English courses start: Every Monday
- Standard classes: 15 hours; morning or afternoon classes
- Intensive classes: 24-30 hours classes
- Minimum Stay: 4 weeks
- Minimum Age: 18 years (Academic Year)
- Summer Camps: 16 years (summer & Short term)
- Course registration fee: €250 (non-refundable)
- Accommodation booking fee: €80 Accommodation
- Change fee: €60
- Course Material / book: €30
- DHL/UPS Express courier: €80 (minimum)
- Class size: 15 students maximum
- Course levels, General English: Beginner to Advanced (Business English, IELTS, FCE)
- Dublin Airport Bus Ticket: €20
- Medical Insurance (1 Month): €35
- Medical Insurance (8 Months): €150
- IELTS Exam: €220
- Cambridge Exam: €200
- TIE Exam: €130
- Pearson Exam: €195
- All programmes subject to availability and minimum class numbers.
English Talks will provide services such as (but not limited to) the above. However it is acknowledged by all parties that English Talks that the College acts as a mere intermediary between the students and the third party providers of these services and shall have no liability to the student in respect of any issue or deficiency in the service by the third party provider.
Due to the possibility of Force Majure during your semester, these unforeseen circumstances may lead to a change in time table or face-to-face classes. In this event English talks will not be liable under any circumstances so no refund or compensation will be given.
Registration Process
- All students must fill in the application form available online on englishtalks.ie Full T&Cs are available on the school website. It is the student’s responsibility to get familiar with and agree to the T&Cs when enrolling on the course.
- In order to book a place, the student has to pay a deposit (of €150 for Academic Year Courses; €100 for Short-Term Courses). The rest of the fees should be paid 12 weeks before the course starts. Full T&Cs available.
- Students aren’t allowed to replace the school Government Health Insurance with their own one. Students will receive the Insurance Policy starting from the first day of their arrival in Ireland.
- All students are requested to do an online placement test to speed up the registration process and allow the school to assess their current level.
Steps – How to book a course:
- Step 1: Fill in the online application form: https://englishtalks.ie/application-booking/
- Step 2: We’ll email you a course confirmation and service invoice.
- Step 3: Pay the full fee or deposit before the invoice expires.
- Step 4: Once the payment is validated, we’ll book your place, medical insurance and email you “Invitation Letters” for your arrival
Admission Policy
English Language Courses:
- All prospective EEA / non-EEA students are required to submit a completed application form including relevant documents and payment via online, bank transfer, post or in person.
- Each student will be required to do a placement test to identify applicant’s language level, and an interview will be conducted with the Director of Studies or lead teacher upon arrival (or online) to gauge the level of spoken English and comprehension.
- No minimum level of English or educational qualification is required.
- Students must be aged 18 or over.
- Copy of passport needed (by email).
- Any fees charged by the Immigration Department are the responsibility of the student.
Summer Camp / Mini-Stays / ERASMUS+ Programmes:
Please contact the school for details on our summer courses, mini-stays or ERASMUS+ programmes.
Group bookings of 15 students or more with their teacher(s). Courses tailored for primary and secondary schools students.
Contact: info@englishtalks.ie / +353 21 2411131
International Commencement Programmes
- All prospective EEA / non-EEA students are required to submit a completed application form including relevant documents and payment via online, post or in person.
- Leaving certificate or relevant equivalent from a different country with its translation into English (High School Certificate/Leaving Certificate and transcripts) is required with a pass in relevant subjects corresponding to the chosen stream.
- An English language exam certificate confirming language proficiency at B1 level minimum (preferably IELTS).
- Copy of passport need by email.
Student Agrees:
- That English Talks reserves the right to change any of the details and/or validation bodies given in any of its course brochures, and/or website and that the availability of the course is dependent on student demand.
- That course fees are non-refundable except in the case of a visa refusal on appeal, in which case the fees will be refunded less an administration fee of €150 and the medical insurance fee €35-€150 and accommodation fee/cost, if booked.
- That this application or any subsequent school place offered may be withdrawn by English Talks if the information provided proves to be inaccurate, either intentionally or unintentionally.
- To the T&Cs of enrolment as a student with English Talks, and to confirm that the reason for enrolment on this course is to learn and be assessed, with the goal of gaining a recognised qualification, and is only related to educational advantages.
- To medical insurance cover being organised by English Talks.
- That due to visa regulations, non-EU students must participate in full-time courses only, and must attend school at least 15 hours per week, and that attendance must be at least 85% at all times.
- To being registered with an awarding organisation during the course and be expected to prepare and complete the scheduled assessments as per the course syllabus and timetable. Failure to adhere to these T&Cs may result in disciplinary action and potential exclusion from the school which may terminate the student’s visa status.
- That all the documents provided to English Talks are legal and take full responsibility for said documents. English Talks is in no way responsible for documents which may at a later stage be found to be incorrect.
- English Talks is not responsible for accommodation organised for the student/applicant. The contract of accommodation is between the applicant/student and the landlord. The applicant/student is responsible for his/her actions within the accommodation and is responsible for any damages/expenses of the accommodation.
- The student/applicant may be required to pay for school trips/tours organised during their term of study at English Talks. These expenses are not included in the student/applicants school fee.
- To pay a deposit fee of €150 once a place on a course is offered. This fee is deductible from the overall course fee / package once all the documents required for registration at English Talks have been provided and are further completed by the student.
Fee / Payments
Payments can be made via bank transfer to:
Account Title: English Talks
Bank: AIB Bank
Account Number: 33930288
Sort Code: 93-70-88
IBAN: IE58AIBK93708833930288
Under new legislation in Ireland all visa requiring students advance funds will be held in a segregated account (Escrow) until your visa is approved and a copy sent to PaytoStudy. The most effective method of payment is through TransferMate. By using TransferMate no bank charges will be added to your transfers and you are able to pay in your home currency, so there is no need to buy Euro from your bank prior to transferring. All payments can be tracked by you the student 24 hours a day online. Therefore, you will not need to contact the school to confirm whether or not we have received payment. All visa authorities now accept TransferMate as means of payment of tuition fees. You will need to add the confirmation of payment receipt to your visa application. Using the TransferMate payment method is quick and simple. You can start your payment by clicking TransferMate. Please note there is a €10.00 ISPS fee for all Euro to Euro transactions.
Induction Day
- It is mandatory that all students attend online / face to face course induction for the course.
- Students are assigned a class group, based on the results of their placement test and interview. They are given an induction pack and course books where applicable. Having gone through the guidelines, they are introduced to the teachers and administration staff and taken on a tour of the school.
Exams & External Awarding Bodies
- Long-term students are required to register for and sit an end-of-course exam before completing their course according to the Irish Department of Justice and Immigration legislation. English Talks will co-ordinate the registration between the student and the awarding body. Registration can only be processed by the school once the student has provided all the necessary documentation. The onus of responsibility in providing all the required documents and cost of exam is on the student. The full cost of exam registration is payable by the student within the first week after enrolling on the course.
- If exam payment has not been received from the student on time, then English Talks will not register the student for an end-of-course exam, and an additional admin fee of €30 will apply at the time of payment, beside the exam fee.
- The end of course exam in mandatory. If you don’t sit the exam at the end of your course, you will lose your money. The exam fee will not be refunded or adjusted.
- English Talks is not responsible for any exam losses due to postage mishaps, etc. The school will do its utmost to ensure the exams arrive at their location on time and in perfect condition; however, English Talks is not liable once the exams are handed over to the postal/third party service.
- In the case of the exam failure, student’s absence or non-attendance, the school will not be responsible and will not provide any extra tuition, or reorganise date of exam(s). If students miss the exam because of unscheduled leave or sick leave, the school cannot guarantee the awarding body will permit the student to reschedule the exam.
- Student will be registered with an awarding organisation within an agreed tuition period, and are expected to prepare and complete the scheduled assessments as per the course syllabus and time table.
- Failure to adhere to these terms and conditions may result in disciplinary action.
- The school is not responsible for any delay/cancellation or deregistration of a student by the external examining body.
- English Talks is required to make the exam results available on request to INIS and other statutory authorities, subject to the provision of relevant data protection requirements.
Exam Entry and Recording of Grades
Exam Entry
- English Talks has an obligation to its students to register them with the appropriate awarding body and to enrol students for examinations at the end of the course.
- All academic year students are required to sit for the test associated with their Programme (Cambridge, IELTS, TIE). This is arranged by the school, but the course fees do not include examinations. These fees are to be paid separately.
- Short term students may request the school to arrange an external exam (Cambridge, IELTS, TIE); an additional fee will be charged.
- The student and school management enter an agreement upon enrolment to a programme that the student will be registered on. The agreement states that the student agrees to sit all exams of the program he/she has enrolled for. The signing of the registration and examination obligation form by both parties is mandatory.
- The school registers all students with the awarding body, includes registration for the exams and assessments.
- English Talks is required to make the exam results available on request to INIS and other statutory authorities, subject to the provision of relevant data protection requirements.
- Arrangements for enrolling the student in the relevant exam, ensuring the student can provide the required documentation for presentation at the exam centre, and providing help and guidance throughout the exam process, will be the responsibility of the school administration.
Recording of Grades
- Only once the external verification process is complete will the results be inputted into the students’ examination results database.
- Students will receive their results at the end of the academic year in a report of results – posted to their address.
- The English Talks internal grading system is used to calculate levels of performance within prescribed benchmarks. This system is used to measure factors such as class participation, progress tests, project work and class presentations.
- All records are maintained and are available on request to students, INIS and relevant internal personnel with Data Protection are adhered to.
- Deferrals can only be approved if the fees are paid in full and can only be deferred within one academic year, subject to availability and price increase. Should a student defer and subsequently not take up their place on the course, fees are non-refundable, non-transferable. Also, once the course commences fees are non-refundable.
- In case a student wishes to join a class after the course has started, he/she is not entitled to extra classes in lieu of time passed.
Cancellation of Long/Short Term Course/Package before the Start Date:
- Cancellations of the course greater than 61 days will be refunded in full; however, an administration fee of €150 – Academic Year Courses – €100 for Short term Courses will be deducted as per the Refund Policy;
- 50% of the course fees will be refunded if the cancellation takes place within 60-30 days before the course start date;
- 100% of the course fees will be charged in case of cancellation takes place within 1-29 days prior to the course start date.
Changes to Long/Short Term Course/Package before the Start Date inc. Accommodation:
- If you booked a package e.g. (4/8/12 /25 week tuition + (4/8/12 /25 weeks accommodation) and want to change the start date later, the following rules will apply (subject to availability):
- Changes requested more than 61 days before the original start date: free of charge;
- Less than 45 days: €200 fee applies;
- Less than 31 days: €250 fee applies;
- Less than 15 days: €300 fee applies;
- Less than 07 days: no change will be permitted. In event of emergency, accident or serious illness please contact us on admin@englishtalks.ie
- Please note: In the event that the student arrives 1or2 days later, they lose the days of accommodation as per the initial booking. No extra days will be given.
- If you booked a course e.g. (4 or 8 or 12 or 25 Week Courses (any duration) and want to change the start date later, you can do it; subject to availability, T&Cs apply. Changes requested more than 61 days before the original start date: free of charge;
- Less than 45 days: €100 fee applies;
- Less than 31 days: €150 fee applies;
- Less than 15 days: €200 fee applies;
- Less than 07 days: no change will be permitted. In the event of an emergency, accident or serious illness please contact us on admin@englishtalks.ie
- End-of-course exam fee included (TIE) .If the student wants to take the IELTS or Cambridge exam instead, the additional/balancing exam fee of €125 will be charged on arrival at school.
- €60 – a one-off fee will apply for changing a course from morning to afternoon or afternoon to morning. Or change date/ week.
- Changes from morning to afternoon: €60 fee will apply. Subject to availability – T&Cs apply.
- Changes from afternoon to morning: €60 fee will apply plus €20 per week will be charged (when moving from afternoon to morning) and the total sum & number of weeks will be calculated respectively Subject to availability – T&Cs apply.
- There is no refund of the difference in price when moving from morning to afternoon in all cases. Subject to availability, T&Cs apply. No guarantee can be provided in terms of availability.
- School will be open all year, except for holidays. Christmas break the dates of which will be detailed every year
Refund of Fees
Refunds Policy – Grounds
Refunds will be granted on the following grounds:
- Visa Refusal
- Withdrawal from Course (prior to course commencement) /Visa withdrawal
- Cancellation – Terms & Conditions apply; see below
- Refund Procedure:
Visa Refusals (Short / Long Term)
- No refund of fees will be given once a student visa has been granted to the student and revoked later for any reason by the authorities.
- The course fees are non-refundable, non-transferable and non-adjustable once the course has commenced;
- No information will be provided by English Talks to any third party in the event of fee refund unless the student has nominated a person and supplied a written authorisation.
- All bank charges during incoming/outgoing payments will be paid by the student. The school will not be responsible for bank deduction/charges.
- Refunds of fees will only be given to students directly by bank transfer within 30 days after receiving all the documents necessary for the refund and T&Cs being met.
- Prospective international students (non-EEA) choosing English Talks as their college of study in Ireland should pay the tuition fees to ‘Pay to Study’/ TransferMate /‘ directly or to the school (via ‘Pay to Study’/ TransferMate /’). If a non-EEA student has their visa application refused, ‘Pay to Study’ or the School will refund the fees to the student (less the administration fee of €150- Administration fees are a financial charge paid by the student for the administration process in regards with the application and correspondence with the relevant authorities regarding the student visa application process).
- Course fees are non- refundable except the case of a visa refusal, in which case the fees will be refunded less the administration fees:
- In case of a cancellation of a short-term course, a fee of €100 will apply;
- In case of a cancellation of a long-term course, a fee of €150 will apply;
- Students who have purchased medical insurance through English Talks, will be refunded before course commencement; there will be a charge of €35 – €150 afterwards;
- Medical Insurance (1 Month): €35
- Medical Insurance (8 Months): €150
- Students, who have booked accommodation (e.g. a host family) through English Talks, will be charged a booking fee of €60 only in the event of visa refusal.
- English Talks will not be responsible for any losses (monetary or not, e.g. flight tickets or damages) in case of emergency situations, caused by natural calamity/disaster, e.g. weather conditions (storm, hurricane, snow, flooding, etc.), or other unforeseeable conditions such as an epidemic, pandemic etc. Only a voucher/credit note will be considered and issued; no refund will be given.
- English Talks will not be responsible for any losses (monetary or not) in case of emergency situations or emergency repair, caused by internal and domestic repair by local authorities /contractor, in campus or out of the campus etc.
- There is no right to an automatic refund of fees if the student changes his/her mind about studying at English Talks.
- If a student gives up, stops staying at his/her accommodation or finds alternative accommodation during the period booked without a notice period of four weeks no deposit will be refunded
Visa Appeals
- In the case of an appeal against the Department of Justice, a student may attend classes and the first 5 days will be free of charge. Thereafter a pro-rota charge and other service fee will apply e.g. tuition, insurance, LP, exam fees, etc. which will be collected from the total tuition fee paid by the student.
- Student cannot withdraw or change their mind and con not stop attending classes during the appeal and until or unless the decision is complete and are notified by the authorities.
- In the case of an appeal refusal, the pro rota monthly tuition fees, as well as other costs already alluded to, will be taken from the total tuition fee paid by student.
- A student/applicant joining the school from any other institution within the ROI must provide an exit OR attendance letter from the previous school with an up-to-date attendance record to the immigration authorities. The student will be deemed responsible for any fraudulent/misleading information or documents. In this case, the school can terminate the student’s application immediately and no tuition and related fees will be refunded.
Withdrawal from Course – prior to course commencement:
An application being withdrawn by the applicant due to change of mind will incur a minimum charge, as follows:
- Cancellations made 61 days prior to the commencement of the course will be refunded in full; however, an administration fee of €150 will be deducted for Academic Year Courses & €100 for Short term.
- Cancellations 30 days prior to the course start date will incur a 50% charge of the course fee.
- Cancellations 1-29 days prior to the course start date will incur a 100% charge of the course fee.
- The course fees are non-refundable once a course has commenced and the deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.
- Where fees have been paid through Pay to Study’/ ‘TransferMate’ the same conditions of refund apply, as stated above.
- In all cases students are required to complete a Fees Refund form.
- All bank charges during incoming/outgoing payments will be paid by the student. The school will not be responsible for bank deduction / charges.
- Refund fees will only be processed for students by bank transfer within 30 days of receiving all relevant documents and terms and conditions being met.
- No refund of fees will be granted once a student visa has been granted to the student or where the student visa has been revoked by the relevant authorities after it has been granted.
Cancellation of Long/Short Term Course/Package before the start date:
- Cancellations of the course greater than 61 days will be refunded in full; however, an administration fee of €150 – Academic Year Courses – €100 for Short term Courses will be deducted as per the Refund Policy;
- 50% of the course fees will be refunded if the cancellation takes place within 60-30 days before the course start date;
- 100% of the course fees will be charged in case of cancellation takes place within 1-29 days prior to the course start date.
Refund Procedure:
International students (non-EEA) who have their visa application/visa appeal rejected can apply for a refund directly to English Talks. They are required to fill out a refund application form available on our website www.englishtalks.ie
Please supply the following documents:
- A refund application form;
- A copy of the original refusal letter,
- A statement by student for the refund including name, signature, payee name, email and bank account details.
Course materials are free unless stated. A deposit of €30 is required from the student for all class books used; it is refunded at the end of the course once the book is returned in a good condition.
Holidays & Breaks
Attendance Calculation system:
Weeks | Hours attended Percentage % Days | |
1 week full attendance | 15 Hours 4% 5 Days | |
25 week full attendance | 15 x 25 = 375 Hours 100% 100 Days | |
Students studying (Academic Year ) courses of 25 weeks or longer on courses on ILEP may, by prior agreement with the school, take holidays of up to a maximum of 2 weeks (10 working days) during their course. The following terms and procedures apply:
Holidays must be arranged at the time of booking your course or at the beginning of the course prior to registration with GNIB. Student holidays and breaks must comply with the requirements set out by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS).
Any student who takes holidays without informing the school is at the loss of those weeks and this is reflected in the attendance record.
No unscheduled breaks are permitted except in documented cases of illness or close family bereavement. All such requests should be sent to Admin: admin@englishtalks.ie
All requests are dealt with on an individual basis.
- Holidays should be prearranged at the time of booking.
- All holidays must be taken over the duration of a full week that is, starting on a Monday and finishing on a Friday.
- If you are taking a 2 week holidays via by prior agreement before GNIB registration you will have to attend 2 extra week’s class to cover your 25 week class requirements.
- Students are not permitted to take holidays of longer than two weeks and are advised of this when booking a course. Students who are absent without prior agreement with the school (including taking longer holidays than the agreed 10 working days allowed) will be marked absent and the procedures described in the Attendance Policy will apply.
- Students should only plan their holiday once they have received a Holiday request confirmation email from the school.
- No extra classes will be offered outside of what has been agreed.
For students who have NOT obtained prior agreement with the school before registration with GNIB), the following table of holidays will apply:
(Mid-Break) Calculation system:
Course Duration | Holidays Allowed |
0-12 weeks | No holidays |
13-25 weeks | 1 week holiday (Mid-break) (Monday – Friday) |
- Please note a minimum of 10 workings days’ notice is required for holidays by emailing admin@englishtalks.ie
- If you are taking a week’s mid-break holiday you will have to attend an extra week’s class to cover your 25 week class requirements. .
- Students should only plan their holiday once they have received a holiday request confirmation email from the school.
- No extra classes will be offered outside of what has been agreed.
Unscheduled holidays dues to an emergency
Unscheduled holidays can be taken in case of emergency only such as:
- Close bereavement in the family i.e. parent/sibling/child/spouse.
- The serious illness of a close family member.
In these cases documentary evidence of these circumstances should be provided. You will not receive attendance for this time (which may affect your overall attendance) but your documented absence or mark of 0% will be noted for our records.
If you have missed classes due to an emergency only and without prior agreement and you want to re-join the class, you can purchase a maximum of 4 weeks extra classes subject to the submission of documentary proof of the reason for missed classes, subject to availability, cost of admission and within 8 months of your visa limit.
Time Keeping
Late arrivals / early Departures:
Attendance by students is defined as attending the full tuition hours. Arriving more than 15 minutes after the class has started, or leaving 15 minutes before the class has ended, means the student is marked absent for the class hour. If a student arrives or leaves early for class more than 15 minutes and this occurs more than once in any week the student will not be given attendance for that hour.
Sick leave
The student notifies the school administrator of their absence on the first day via email: admin@englishtalks.ie or +353 (0)21 2291692. No WhatsApp texts or calls please.
Note: The only circumstances in which attendance will be applied for sick leave is whereby the days absent are accounted for by documentary medical evidence from a local registered GP in Ireland. This will be taken into consideration when assessing your medical leave.
Non-attendance / Un-notified attendance, Warning System
Non-attendance for an invalid or un-notified absence is not acceptable.
- If you attended 60% classes or less than this in any week this will result in a (1st) first warning.
- If you attended 60% classes or less than this in any week this will result in a (2nd) second warning.
- If you attended 60% classes or less than this in any week this will result in a (3rd) third and final warning.
- If you attended 60% classes or less than this in any week this will result in deregistration.
As per the ILEP (INIS) ʻWhere a student has 25% or more uncertified absence in the first 6 weeks of the Programme, this will be communicated with Immigration GNIB and INISʼ.
Students have the right to appeal against the warning/decision which is provided by the school administration within 7 days of receipt at admin@englishtalks.ie
Please note: that if Student attendance falls below 85% at the end of the course or/and the Student fails to sit an exam a certificate of achievement will not be issued.
Bank/Public Holidays
Student holidays and breaks comply with the Department of Justice and Equality requirements.
No classes will be conducted on public holidays.
Bank / public holidays in Ireland
- January 1st (New Year Day)
- First Monday in February, except where St Brigid’s day (1 February) happens to fall on a Friday, in which case that Friday 1st February will be a public holiday.
- March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day)
- Easter Monday
- First Monday in May
- First Monday in June
- First Monday in August
- Last Monday in October
- December 25th & 26th
- December 31st
Submission of unverifiable i.e. fake medical certificates
Please be aware that we will be verifying all medical certificates. If a certificate is found to be unverifiable i.e. fake we will take this very seriously. You will be immediately deregistered and the Immigration authorities will be notified.
If Covid-19 Symptoms are present
In case of sickness i.e. Covid-19 symptoms, flu or cough student must contact admin staff/ office by email only (admin@englishtalks.ie) on the first day and each subsequent day and present their GP certificate/letter or evidence to justify their sickness when they return to classes. Evidence of PCR bookings and consequent result are acceptable proof but must be emailed to the office. Full attendance will be granted if a student if absent for covid testing for a maximum of 1 week, but evidence must be provided.
Please note: No verbal / WhatsApp communication will be accepted and without documented proof, it will be classed as an unauthorised absence and warnings will be issued.
If any student has Covid-19 symptoms, they must get Covid tested, provide school with proof of the appointment and then wait for the result before they come back to school. Students must present the school with proof of a negative Covid-19 test five days before they return to class. Full attendance will be granted for a maximum of one week in this case.
Students can get tested for free at https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/covid19/testing/get-tested/
Attendance & Punctuality Policy
- Attendance is recorded daily by the teachers and monitored by the QA Officer and Centre Manager. Attendance is particularly important on the Academic Year program.
- All international students are required, by law and English Talks, to attend a minimum of 85% of school lectures.
- Students are required to attend a minimum of 15 hours a week, as per their scheduled timetable for the duration of the course.
- Written warnings will be issued to students for non-compliance and these will be placed in their student file.
- Students who are absent from the school are required to contact the school administrator either by email admin@englishtalks.ie or phone 021 2411131by 09:00am.
Punctuality is very important. Being late can result in an absent mark on attendance records. Failure to meet the 85% attendance rate within a four week period will result in the student being issued with a verbal warning. Continuation of poor attendance rates can result in being expelled.
Procedure & Progress
- Tutors are responsible for checking attendance at the beginning of class and hourly thereafter.
- No student is permitted to access the attendance sheets at any time.
- Students are required to be punctual for all classes, late attendance is unacceptable.
- Students are required to be in class 5 minutes before the commencement of classes.
- Students arriving 15 minutes after the commencement of class are allowed to enter. However, they will be marked late.
- Students arriving to class more than 15 minutes late, are permitted to enter the class, but will be marked absent for that hour, which could lead to a warning.
- Students leaving 15 minutes prior to the end of class will be marked absent for one hour.
- All students are required to sign in/sign out their arrival/departure on the class attendance book daily. Class tutors are required to sign off the student attendance book at the end of each class
Related to in class weekly progress
- 30% or less overall attendance in a week will result in the 1st warning. Note: Unless satisfactory documents are provided with genuine reasons.
- If poor performance / 30% attendance continues in any subsequent week, it will result in the 2nd warning.
- If poor performance / 40% attendance continues in any subsequent week, it will result in the 3rd warning.
- If poor performance / 40% attendance continues in any subsequent week, it will result in the 4rd warning.
- If poor performance /attendance continues in any subsequent week, it will result in the final warning and a letter of performance will be sent to local immigration.
*These attendance measures are being enacted by the school to fulfil the attendance criteria of INIS.
Sick Leave Policy/ Medical Insurance
Due to unforeseen circumstances students may fall ill during the academic term which can negatively affect their attendance rates. However, students can apply to the college for sick leave. Students are not permitted to take holidays/breaks during the scheduled college term. Student holidays and breaks comply with the Department of Justice and Equality requirements at English Talks. An unscheduled break will only be permitted by the college in exceptional cases of illness. Lessons and activities missed for personal reasons will not be rest
The sick leave procedure is as follows:
- The student notifies the college administrator of their absence on the first day via email admin@englishtalks.ie or phone 021 2411131 by 09:00am.
- If the student is sick for more than one day, they are required to keep the college informed on a daily basis. For sick leave exceeding two days a medical certificate will be required by a doctor for the duration.
- If sick leave is greater than a two day period, students are required to email a copy of the medical certificate to English Talks. Once the medical certificate is received the student will be notified via email/text. The student does not need to contact the college administrator thereafter.
- If the student’s illness period is extended greater than the dates he/she is certified for then he/she will need to contact the college and submit a current and valid medical certificate. All details of correspondence and medical certificates are documented in the student file.
- In case of any accident occurring inside and outside the school premises, the school will not be responsible for nay costs involved. Students should familiarize themselves with the entitlements of their medical insurance.
- Any dealings with the insurance company/third party are the responsibility of the student.
Student Medical Insurance:
- All students are required to have private medical insurance, either personally or through a group scheme at the time of registration to INIS/GNIB.
- English Talks offers a number of approved medical insurance policies which can be purchased directly through English Talks.
- Under EU/EEA regulations, students from other member states who are attending a course of study are entitled to free hospital services provided they have Form E.109 with them. In order to be eligible you will be required to provide the Irish health authorities with documentation from your home country that validates your entitlement.
- Students from non-EU countries are not covered for any free medical attention off-campus and must therefore have their own private insurance.
- Please note that heavy levies are charged for all hospitalization and it is advised to make provision for adequate medical insurance.
- Non-EU students are required to show proof of comprehensive medical insurance cert when registering with the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB). Proof of health insurance is also required when applying for a student visa.
Accommodation Conditions
- Students will be provided with accommodation (as per their chosen package) in self-catering /host accommodation for
1-4 weeks as part of their package (together with 2-25 weeks’ tuition).
- Calendar month means 28 days (February or any other month. (Few days break are required for maintenance and cleaning)
- 1-4 week minimum and maximum stay is required.
- Collection from Cork airport to the apartment is included in the package price. In case the airport collection is not available from cork airport, the student can order a taxi; the cost of which will be reimbursed to the max. Value of €20, a receipt id required.
- The students cannot make any changes to the packages & the courses offered.
- In the event of poor services, delays, internal issues or conflicts related to e.g. accommodation, bus service, taxi service, tour operator, English Talks will not bear any responsibility for third party services however; we’ll try our best to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
- In case of poor service or inappropriate accommodation received by student or ill-treatment by host, landlord /Service provider or individual, English Talks will not be held responsible for any of their actions, behaviour or conflict. English Talks will endeavour to resolve the matter smoothly and quickly, but cannot be held responsible.
- Accommodation must be paid in full in advance.
- Tuition, medical insurance and related must be paid in full before you move to the accommodation, house/apartment.
- A security deposit of €100 is required at the time of collection of keys.
Please ensure the following before vacating the accommodation:
- Have the fridge/cupboards cleared of all food and all rubbish removed to the bins provided outside.
- That your bedroom, bathroom, living area, kitchen have been cleaned before inspection.
- Apartment should be returned in the similar condition as it was received.
- Accommodation officer will inspect the condition of the apartment every week and before you check out and return the keys. The apartment must be vacated in good condition. Any damage done must be paid by the student.
- Check-outs are between 9.00am -12.00pm Mon-Sat.
- Keys will be available for collection Mon-Fri (9.00am – 6.30pm). The office is closed on Saturday & Sunday.
- If individual keys are lost, a mandatory fee of €150 will be charged from the person – separately.
- Family Accommodation (Single Room): € 240 p/w (Breakfast & Dinner)
- Family Accommodation (Double Room): € 395 p/w (Breakfast & Dinner)
- Family Accommodation (Twin Shared): € 390 p/w (Breakfast & Dinner)
- Student Accommodation (Single, Shared): € 175 p/w (Self-Catering)
- Student Accommodation (Twin Room):
- € 320 p/w (Self-Catering)
- Student Accommodation (Double Room): € 320 p/w (Self-Catering)
- Student Accommodation (Double Ensuite): € 350 p/w (Self-Catering)
Student Behaviour & Code of Conduct
- Time keeping is the responsibility of the student. The School reserves the right to remove students from class for non-attendance or if the student continuously arrives late.
- The school also holds the right to remove a student who is being difficult, unruly or abusive to the staff or students.
- Students are responsible for their actions during school trips and tours. The students will be bound by English Talks’ Disciplinary procedures and/or Irish law if he/she acts inappropriately.
- The school also holds the right to remove a student who is being difficult, disobedient, immoral or unmannerly to the staff or students or involve in any unethical /illegal act with or without prior notice.
Legal Proceedings
- Should any legal proceedings be taken against English Talks by the third party or student/applicant, English Talks will require its legal costs be paid by the third party or student/applicant, where English Talks is not found negligible.
International Students and Agents
- Due to visa regulations, non-EU students must participate in full-time courses only, and must attend school at least 15 hours per week, and attendance must be at least 85% at all times.
- English Talks will not be responsible for any of their agent’s false (verbal) promises and services.
- Once a student has received their letter of enrolment from English Talks and has successfully obtained their student visa, students are not eligible for a refund.
- Where a visa is required to be renewed during a programme of study at English Talks, it is the responsibility of the student to confirm with the relevant authorities that the renewal application will be approved.
Complaints, Grievance and Feedback
Complaint: A statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.
Grievance: An official statement of a complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair.
Complaints Process:
- Submit the complaint verbally to the Administrator /Director of Studies (DOS).
- The complaint will be documented and submitted to the relevant personnel & director. The complaint will be dealt with and the complainant will be contacted within one week of the complaint being made with a resolution (if at all possible).
Grievance Process:
- If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution of step 1 or deems the complaint to be of a more serious nature, he/she can put the complaint in writing by completing the Student Grievance Form and submitting it to the DOS (Director of Studies).
- The complainant will receive a response from the DOS (Director of Studies) within one week of the ‘Formal Grievance’ (written complaint) being submitted to acknowledge receipt of the grievance.
- The maximum duration for issue of a resolution to the student is 21 days.
- A grievance form is available in the school and the grievance procedure is available at the reception.
Any grievances which the student may have should be addressed to the college directly. Under no circumstances should the students use social media websites, Google review blogs…etc to damage the reputation of English Talks. English Talks will deal with any breaches of this condition very seriously and the student shall indemnify English Talks against all and any losses either financially or to its reputation as a result of any such action by or on behalf of a student.
English Talks welcomes your comments and suggestions regarding any issue to improve our service or area of non-satisfaction, which can be brought to the attention of the Administrator or DOS by email info@englishtalks.ie
Please do not come to reception for enquires. To make an administrative or related enquiry please email admin@englishtalks.ie
To organise a meeting with management please first email and make an appointment via admin@englishtalks.ie
English speaking only policy
During school hours including break and lunch time we have an English only speaking policy. Please speak English only.
Emergency Contact
In case of emergency please contact English Talks at +353 85 7219897
Please note these numbers are for emergency use only and they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please note emergency does not include: queries about the city locations, course, school, attendance, visas holidays – these can be discussed during working hours.
It is forbidden for students to film or take pictures during class without the permission of the teacher and fellow students
The online platform used by English Talks allows teachers and students to interact in a dynamic way, so the teacher may ask you to turn on your microphone and camera in interact with him/her, view class materials..etc. Sharing your personal data/log-ins with individuals not enrolled at English Talks is strictly prohibited. This may result in expulsion and no refund of fees will be given
By signing the school application form you give English Talks your consent to use your testimonials, feedback, evaluations and images as part of educational activities for use in school media, print and social. As per GDPR, 2018, we will not share your personal information with any third party, unless we are obliged by law.
- Our Commitment:
English Talks is committed to the protection of all personal and sensitive data which it holds and the handling of such data.
All staff and students have been informed of the new and updated GDPR (25th May 2018). Changes to data protection legislation implemented in the school’s policy shall be monitored in order to remain compliant with all legal requirements.
All data within the school’s control shall be identified as personal, sensitive, or both to ensure that it is handled in compliance with legal requirements, and access to it does not breach the rights of the individuals to whom it relates.
Privacy Statement
Under the freedom of information students can access the information stored on the system relating to them. GDPR applies.
We are committed to the principles inherent in the GDR and particularly to the concepts of privacy by design, the right to be forgotten, consent and a risk-based approach. In addition, we aim to ensure:
- transparency with regard to the use of data;
- that any processing is lawful, fair, transparent and necessary for a specific period;
- that data is accurate, kept up to date and removed when no longer necessary;
- that data is kept safely and securely.
We have no need to collect and process students’ personal information beyond what is required for the functioning of the school. We have a privacy-conscious culture here and GDPR is an opportunity for us to strengthen this even further.
- What information do we collect from you and how do we collect it?
We will only collect personal information from and about you which is necessary to provide educational services to you or contact you for direct marketing purposes.
A lot of our initial contact with students will be either:
- Face-to-face (walk-ins)
- Online application through our website
- Phone Calls, letters, post, email and related correspondence
- Through agents, partner schools and organisations electronically.
We shall be transparent about the processing of data and communicate these intentions via notification to staff and students. All students are required to sign an application form with clearly stated Terms & Conditions which include information on personal data processing within the school according to the school’s policy and legal requirements. Enrolment of students under the age of 18 is possible only following their parents’ written consent (T&Cs), e.g. their signature on the application form.
Staff responsible for data protection are in the Management, Marketing and Administration Departments. However, all staff must treat all student information in a confidential manner and follow the guidelines as set out in this document. The school is also committed to ensuring that its staff are aware of data protection policies, legal requirements and adequate training is provided to them. The requirements of this policy are mandatory for all staff employed by the school and any third party contracted to provide services within the school.
- How do we use data collected for employment purposes?
The school realises it is unlawful to publish or display an advertisement that shows an intention to discriminate; this includes social media, internet, leaflets, or any kind of advertisements. All jobs posted are in accordance with awarding body requirements and government legislation: https://www.djei.ie/en/
When a person applies for a position within our school, be it in the academic or administrative departments, we request an up-to-date CV, and a copy of any and all college transcripts and relevant qualifications. Contracts of employment are sent to the successful candidate by email. Appointees are required to accept their offer online prior to commencement and they must read and agree to the company policies before accepting the offer, which includes the updated GDPR policy, 2018. Candidate information will be screened only by those directly involved in the decision making process. Only the management team will view a potential candidate’s personal information.
- Images/Photographs/ Videos:
Images of staff and pupils may be captured at appropriate times and as part of educational activities for use in school media only. Unless prior consent from students/parents/staff has been given, the school shall not utilise such images for publication or communication to external sources. It is the school’s policy that external parties may not capture images of staff or students without prior consent.
- How do we store such information?
All electronic copies of CVs (which include name, address, email and phone numbers, bank details, and PPS numbers) are stored in the HR folder on the DOS personal computer which is password protected. They are also stored in hard copy in the HR filing cabinet, which is kept locked at all times.
- How long do we keep records of your data?
We will keep your data only for as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and to provide you with services, to conduct legitimate business interests or where otherwise required by law.
- Who has access to your data?
Data will only be shared with external parties in circumstances where it is a legal requirement to provide such information. Any proposed change to the processing of individual’s data shall first be notified to them.
- What rights do you have pertaining to the information we store about you?
You have the right to ask to access your personal files, be they electronic or otherwise.
Any individual, whose data is held by us, has a legal right to request access to such data. Personal data about students will not be disclosed to third parties without their consent unless it is obliged by law, for example if the request is made by:
- Other schools
- Examination authorities
- Health authorities
- Police and courts
- Social workers and support agencies
- Educational divisions.
- Where any personal data is no longer required for its original purpose, an individual can request that the personal data is deleted by the school.
- How do we prevent the loss or misuse of your information?
Hard copy data, records and personal information are stored out of sight and in a locked cabinet. Sensitive or personal information and data should not be removed from the school site; however, some staff may need to transport data between the school and their home to access it for work.
The following guidelines are in place for staff in order to reduce the risk of personal data being compromised:
- Paper copies of data or personal information should not be taken off the school site. The information should not be on view in public places, or left unattended under any circumstances.
- Unwanted paper copies of data, sensitive information or student files should be shredded.
- Printouts of any personal or sensitive information are not left in printer trays or photocopiers.
- If information is being viewed on a PC, staff must ensure that the window and documents are properly shut down before leaving the computer unattended.
- Transporting data away from the school, it should be done on a USB stick.
- These guidelines are clearly communicated to all school staff, and any person who is found to be intentionally breaching this conduct will be disciplined in line with the seriousness of their misconduct.
- Regular back up of computer systems
- Soft copy information is stored in a cabinet which is locked with a key at all times.
- How do we dispose of data?
The school recognises that the secure disposal of redundant data is an integral element to compliance with legal requirements and an area of increased risk. All data held in any form of media (paper, tape, electronic) shall be properly destroyed meeting recognized national standards, e.g. shredding paper documents or disposing IT assets as required
General Provisions
Indemnity – The Student agrees to release, defend (at the College’s option) and indemnify the College to include its subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees and agents in respect of any claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses including reasonable legal and accounting fees arising as a result of a breach by the Student of the terms contained in this agreement.
Liability – The College’s liability to you in respect of any losses, claims, liabilities, damages and expenses you may have resulting from the actions of the College in respect of non-EU residents are limited to the fees paid by you to the College in the current year. Should the Student be an EU resident then the liability of the College is subject to similar limitations except as varied by European law in respect of intent or gross negligence.
Jurisdiction – This Agreement and any issues or disputes arising from it shall be governed by the Laws of the Republic of Ireland.
These terms do not and are not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the parties to it.
If any provision of these terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable such provision shall be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
Except as maybe agreed between the parties and signed by both then these terms constitute the entire Agreement between the parties hereto and supersede any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between the parties.
Accommodation Terms, Conditions and Declaration
- Accommodation will be given only for short term (temporally) on week to week basis.
- Students will be provided with temporary accommodation (as per their request or chosen package / or Course) in self-catering or host accommodation maximum for 1- 26 weeks as part of their order (together with 2-25 weeks’ tuition). Or without a course temporary accommodation may be provided in exceptional circumstances. In this case the same Terms, Conditions and Declaration apply. However this accommodation is to facilitate students primarily for academic & summer sessions purposes. It is a temporary staying place only not a proper residence or accommodation.
- The week means (7 calendar days)
- A six month few days break are required for (maintenance and cleaning)
- 1-26 weeks minimum and maximum stay is required.
- Some packages include collection from Cork airport to the student apartment. However due to Covid-19 all personal collections to the airport/ bus stops are cancelled. In this case where the airport collection is not available from Cork airport, the student can order a taxi; the cost of which will be reimbursed to the maximum value of €20, a valid receipt is required.
- The students cannot make any changes to the packages & the courses offered.
- In the event of poor services, delays, internal issues or conflicts related to e.g. accommodation, bus service, taxi service, tour operator, family or any official collection English Talks will not bear any responsibility for relevant services however, we’ll try our best to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
- In case of poor service or inappropriate accommodation received by student or ill-treatment by host, landlord /service provider or individual, English Talks will not be held responsible for any of their actions, behavior or conflict. English Talks will endeavor to resolve the matter smoothly and quickly, but cannot be held responsible.
- English Talks is only a tuition provider and provides accommodation and pickup services via third parties so English Talks will not be held responsible for any of these party’s actions, behavior or conflict. English Talks will endeavor to resolve the matter smoothly and quickly, but cannot be held responsible.
- Accommodation must be paid in full in advance.
- Tuition, medical insurance and related must be paid in full before you move to the accommodation, house/apartment/cottage/hostel/hotel where necessary.
- The tenant/student agrees not to leave the property vacant for more than 30 consecutive days and to properly secure all locks and bolts to the doors, windows and other openings if leaving the property unattended
- The tenant/student agrees not to assign or sublet, part with the occupancy of the property, or let or allow any other person live at the property without the landlord’s written consent and to pay to the landlord any reasonable costs or expenses incurred in deciding this request whether consent is granted or refused.
- The tenant/student agrees not to receive paying guests, or carry on, or permit to be carried on, any business, trade or profession on or from the property
Cancellation of Long/Short Term Course/Package before the Start Date:
- Cancellations of the course greater than 61 days will be refunded in full; however, an administration fee of €150 – Academic Year Courses – €100 for Short term Courses will be deducted as per the Refund Policy;
- 50% of the course fees will be refunded if the cancellation takes place within 60-30 days before the course start date;
- 100% of the course fees will be charged in case of cancellation takes place within 1-29 days prior to the course start date.
Changes to Long/Short Term Course/Package before the Start Date inclusive, Accommodation:
- If you booked a package e.g. (4/8/12 /25 week tuition + 2 weeks accommodation) and want to change the start date to a later date, the following rules will apply (subject to availability):
- Changes requested more than 45 days before the original start date: free of charge;
- Less than 31 days: €100 fee applies;
- Less than 15 days: €200 fee applies;
- Less than 07 days: no change will be permitted. In event of emergency, accident or serious illness please contact us on info@englishtalks.ie
- Please note: In the event that the student arrives 1or2 days later, they lose the days of accommodation as per the initial booking. No extra days will be given.
- If you booked a course e.g. (4/8/12/ 25 week Course (any duration) and want to change the start date later, you can do it; subject to availability, T&Cs apply. Changes requested more than 45 days before the original start date: free of charge;
- Less than 31 days: €60 fee applies;
- Less than 15 days: €100 fee applies;
- Less than 07 days: no change will be permitted. In the event of an emergency, accident or serious illness please contact us on info@englishtalks.ie
Refund Procedure:
- International students (non-EEA) who have their visa application/visa appeal rejected can apply for a refund directly to English Talks. They are required to fill out a refund application form available on our website englishtalks.ie
Please supply the following documents:
- A refund application form;
- A copy of the original refusal letter;
- A statement by student for the refund including name, signature, payee name, email and bank account details.
Maintenance and upkeep:
The tenant/student will maintain the temporary rental property in clean and sanitary condition inside the residence. Furthermore, the tenant will promptly notify the landlord of any problem, malfunction or damages to the property, appliances, in writing, so that the landlord can take reasonable corrective actions. If the problem was caused by tenants, or their guests or invitees, and not reasonable wear and tear on the property, landlord reserves the right to require the tenant to bear the costs of repair.
Rights of access
- The landlord and landlord’s agents are permitted to access the property in the event of an emergency without prior notice, or with at least one days advance written notice i.e. email or SMS for any other purpose, such as to make repairs or show the temporary rental property to prospective new tenants.
- Please be advised that contractors can come at the property or your room any day to carry out preventative maintenance or emergency repair. In this situation access will be required at that time, if you cannot be at home or room at this time they will hold keys to access the property.
- No pets are allowed in any part of the premises.
- Utilities for the rental property are included in the rental payments. The tenant agrees to only make reasonable use of all such utilities and not engage in wasteful practices such as leaving lights or appliances on all day.
Please ensure the following before vacating the accommodation:
- Have the fridge/cupboards cleared of all food and all rubbish removed to the bins provided outside.
- That your bedroom, bathroom, living area and kitchen have been cleaned before inspection.
- The room in apartment/home/property should be returned in the similar condition as it was received.
- An accommodation officer will inspect the condition of the apartment every week/month and before you check out and return the keys. The apartment must be vacated in good condition. Any damage done must be paid by the student/tenant.
- Check-outs are between 10.00am -12.00pm Mon-Friday.
- Keys will be available for collection Mon-Fri (9.00am – 6.00pm). The office is closed on Saturday & Sunday.
- The student/tenant is not permitted to make any copies of, or have any other keys made for the rental property. If individual keys are lost, a mandatory fee of €150 will be charged from the person – separatelyAll keys will be returned to landlord when you check out.
Please pay special attention to the following:
- No Smoking is allowed in the accommodation.
- No drinking alcohol or drugs or any similar activities or illegal activities are allowed in the accommodation.
- No gathering, meetings or parties are allowed on accommodation.
- No cooking is allowed for groups or in large quantities in the accommodation.
- No loud disruptive music, noise, speech or online learning tutorials are allowed in the accommodation.
- The tenant/student agrees not to glue, stick or otherwise fix anything whatsoever to the exterior walls, doors, windows, floors or other surface of the property without the landlords written consent.
- The tenant/student agrees not to hang washing out of the windows of the property.
- No messy or uncleaned crockery, pots…etc in the kitchen or uncleaned bathroom are allowed in the accommodation.
- No offensive engagement with males or females or any anti-social behavior or sexual activity are allowed on accommodation.
- The tenant/student agrees not to introduce into the property any portable heaters fired by liquid or bottled gas without the landlord’s prior written consent.
- The tenant/student agrees not to change or amend any heating timer set by the landlord or, interfere with any equipment.
- The tenant agrees not to misuse any facilities provided by the landlord i.e. portable heater, iron or hoover.
- If you found drunk or engaged in any anti-social behavior activity, fighting, unethical, immoral actions, non-social actions, disrespect or disobey the rules of the Terms, Conditions and Declaration: The management of the accommodation reserved the right to remove the student/tenant immediately. .
- Tenants/students are required to familiarise themselves with the Student Code of Conduct and adhere to this at all times in the Rental Property. If any breach of the Code of Conduct or breach of the Terms, Conditions and Declaration occurs or anti-social behaviour your stay of the property will cease, it will be rendered null and void, you will be asked to leave the property immediately and the matter will be reported to the Guards.
- Tenants/students must leave the property promptly on the last day of their agreed stay at the check-out time. Requests to stay at the property due to extenuating circumstances or otherwise will not be considered. The tenant agrees here not to attempt to extend their stay via any avenue legal or otherwise in any way.
- This is private property and once the duration of your stay has ended you will not be allowed to enter it again.
- This is a Declaration to commit an understanding and agreement to all the Terms and Conditions set out here, in this document. Once you have signed you are labile to follow all the Conditions and Rules.
- The tenant/student pays the deposit as security for their performance of the tenants/students obligations and to pay and compensate the landlord for any breach of these obligations. It is agreed that this sum shall not be transferable by the tenant in any way, and at any time, against payment of the rent and that no interest shall be payable on this deposit. The balance of the deposit is to be paid to the Tenant only after vacation of the property, such amount to be assessed at the outgoing inspection at the agreed end date of the rental.
- Prices may change with short notice.
- Accommodation can be cancelled, changed or relocated with short notice.
- In case of illness, any infection or Covid-19 infection or anything else that causes others to be adversely affected or unsafe: The management of accommodation reserved the right to remove that person immediately. Or move them to hospital.
- In case of illness or emergency or required further stay without a final date of departure: The management of accommodation reserved the right to remove that person immediately. Or move them to hospital or an isolation venue at their own expense.
- A security deposit of €100 is required at the time of collection of keys.
- English Talks will not be responsible for any losses (monetary or otherwise, e.g. flight tickets or damages) in case of emergency situations, caused by natural calamity/disaster, e.g. weather conditions (storm, hurricane, snow, flooding, etc.), or other unforeseeable conditions such as an epidemic, pandemic etc. Only a voucher/credit note will be considered and issued; no refund will be given.
- English Talks will not be responsible for any losses (monetary or not) in case of emergency situations or emergency repair, caused by internal and domestic repair by local authorities /contractors, in campus or out of the campus or at the temporary rental property.
- Where a tenancy that was entered into for a specific period (i.e. 1, 2,3 or 6 months) comes to the end of the six month period, a notice of termination does not have to be issued. However a reminder can be sent via a phone call or text message a day before or same day only.
- Where the student/tenant is found to be engaged in any illegal activity or terrorism or breach the Irish rules or Laws: You will be asked to leave the property immediately and the matter will be reported to the Guards (Police).
- Failure to adhere to the Terms, Conditions and Declaration will result in the tenants/students immediate removal from the property.
- In the case of a failure to adhere the Terms, Conditions and Declaration, no refund will be given
- This is a declaration, on the signing of this documents you fully understand and agree with all the term & conditions mentioned above and on the website.
- On signing this declaration you are consenting and allow the sharing of GDPR /personal data to share with Governmental or non-Governmental authorities and to use these document/s where necessary.
Name: _____________________________ Date _____________________
Name: ______________________________ Date _____________________
Property Administrator