
English Talks


Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

  • English Talks is highly committed to maintaining and complying with all quality policies and procedures according to the guidelines and standards defined by the national quality regulatory bodies and authorities in the education sector.
  • A successful quality assurance system, including internal and external examiners, is in place. Our clients can be assured of the execution of the necessary mechanisms and procedures which have been developed, achieved and adopted by English Talks to present a desired level of quality in educational provision, research and related services.
  • Public trust and confidence in the education and training delivered as well as the resulting qualifications obtained by learners at English Talks are of utmost importance for our staff and stakeholders. We take special care and diligence in selecting our partners and third party service providers.
  • We focus on the enhancement of education and training provision and continuous improvement of standards attained by our learners.